Drawings and Paintings
In Place
Literally Paintings
An Imaginary Plane Crash
A Stray Cat's Abode
Abstract & Mixed Media
Play Poem
Harmonies in Nature
Green Transportation
Merlion @ Sonafi
Sculptures/ Art Dolls
The Amnesiac Cyborg
Neuroplush Lab Runaways
An Imaginery Plane Crash
.ve plane [pleyn]:
a level of dignity, character, existence, development , or the like: a mental plane.
The first 3 sketches of An Imaginery Plane Crash started out as an experiment in mark-making and expressive drawing in a class assignment, 2010, and have been featured in the Air & Space magazine in the November 2013 Issue.
The series The Catharsis of An Imaginery Plane Crash was created when the theme was revisited in 2013, keeping in mind that the definition of "plane" is also level of existence, the aircraft becomes a symbol of reality. Interpreted as a psychological breakdown, using techniques of abstract painting, of building, destroying and rebuilding, they symbolize the tension between the acts of creation and destruction.

An Imaginary Plane Crash #1,#2,#3, 2010, Acrylic on Canvas Paper, 19.0" x 29.0"

The Catharsis of An Imaginary Planecrash #1,#2,#3, 2013, Oil on Canvas Paper, 11.7" x 16.5

The Catharsis of An Imaginery Planecrash #4, 2013, Oil on Canvas, 36.0" x 48.0"
© 2007 Noc Vvyne Lim